To the online presence of your Wenatchee Valley Alterations Specialists! (We are still working on getting pictures for our site, please forgive the stock photos.)
We will be closing early at 5pm on Thursday 2/13.
Here you will find information about our Tailoring and clothing repair services. We also work on bridal, suits & tuxes, prom & homecoming, bridesmaids, and more!
First Street is currently blocked, so you will need to come down on either Palouse or Second, then turn onto Columbia. If you come down Second, turn right and head South. If you come down Palouse, turn left and head North. There is a parking lot on the corner of First and Columbia, park in the parking.
You can also get inside from the Ave if you come in upstairs by the Owl Soda Fountain. Give us a call if you get lost!
Not sure how much your alterations will be?
Advanced Tech